GeoSearch, Inc. is the leading recruiting firm in mapping and geospatial! We source, screen and send you only the BEST candidates for your positions.
Green Jobs Network is the #1 global community of professionals dedicated to environmental and social impact careers. Find or post a job today on our job boards for environmental jobs and social impact jobs.
Engineering jobs. They also have green industry trends information.
This website while specific to NY state, has a lot of job search resources that would be beneficial to any job seeker including a target interest tool and budgeting and planning tools.
The Water Environment Federation (WEF) is a not-for-profit technical and educational organization of 35,000 individual members and 75 affiliated Member Associations representing water quality professionals around the world.
Climate People
Their mission is to unlock talent, empower innovation, and fast-track decarbonization. They are a top-notch climate technology recruitment and advisory firm with a bold vision to transform the economy by placing exceptional, mission-driven individuals in ClimateTech careers. Their services extend beyond conventional recruiting as we help businesses and professionals ignite their passion, disrupt the status quo, and make a sustainable impact. They conduct searches for senior-level individual contributor roles to executive positions, covering technical, engineering, scientific, and business-related roles across all sectors.
Use these sites to research what's going on in the industries you're considering applying to.
H1B Database
Salary info and job listings specific to employers who have sponsored H-B1 Visa's in the past, publicly available by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and Department of Labor. is the leading consumer and enterprise resource for compensation data, software, and consulting. For nearly 20 years, our company has not only helped people understand their worth, it has also allowed organizations to harness employee value through fair pay practices that drive engagement and productivity.
Berkely Career Lab
Learn here about career paths, industries, and opportunities for gaining experience in the field of your choosing. Looking only for listings of opportunities? Go to internship listings or job listing sites.
Finding the right person/resources to help with your career search is important. Here are some other career coaches around the world that you can look into.
Env Careers
Env Careers is located in the UK and calls itself the "one-stop-shop" for environmental careers around the world. They are currently publishing a book on the different industries called 'Global Environmental Careers - The Worldwide Green Jobs Resource'. Look for it in Spring 2021.
The Environmental Career Center provides employers and job seekers with comprehensive career, and staffing services in the environmental, sustainability, natural resources, energy, and green jobs sectors.
They serve worldwide and are located in Hampton, Virginia.
Conservation Careers
They have extensive international knowledge, experience and a network of contacts within the conservation career sector. This means that they can help job seekers and conservation organisations to form lasting relationships. They do this by providing careers advice and information to a network of dedicated conservationists across the globe.
Lisa has spent over 25 years as a green career expert and is passionate about helping others to find and secure rewarding careers in the environmental field.
Trish has been a sustainability coach for over ten years and is truly passionate about helping people succeed in the sustainability careers space.
With over 10 years of experience working in and recruiting for sustainability roles, Sharmila helps professionals who are striving to work for mission aligned companies and those who are ready to advance in the field of sustainability.
They help mission-driven professionals grow in their careers, find work they love, and expand their impact. They offer career coaching, life coaching, online courses, and more.
The CFC Membership is the virtual ecosystem where you’ll connect, learn, and grow alongside 100+ values driven fashion change makers, supported by events, resources, and community forums to cultivate your sustainable fashion career or business.
If you have a job board that would add value to this list or are a relevant and proven career coach, send an email to
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